In a fictional world of shapes, the circle is considered as the 'perfect' shape- they say it's what all shapes should aspire to be like. So does that make all the other shapes 'imperfect'? Are they not good as they are, is it not what they are meant to be like? Then how come the circle and these shapes fit so perfectly on the canvas? Would only 'perfect ' circles ever be able to form this whole picture? Then aren't all the shapes Perfectly Imperfect in their own way? They all serve a different purpose on the canvas and are meant to be the way they are, so does the shape world need to reconsider the definition of perfect? Shouldn't it be something that's doing what it's meant to do perfectly?
PaintPerfectlyImperfectIn a fictional world of shapes, the circle is considered as the 'perfect' shape- they say it's what all shapes should aspire to be like. So does that make all the other shapes 'imperfect'? Are they not good as they are, is it not what they are meant to be like? Then how come the circle and these shapes fit so perfectly on the canvas? Would only 'perfect ' circles ever be able to form this whole picture? Then aren't all the shapes Perfectly Imperfect in their own way? They all serve a different purpose on the canvas and are meant to be the way they are, so does the shape world need to reconsider the definition of perfect? Shouldn't it be something that's doing what it's meant to do perfectly?